Sunday, December 6, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Coping With Change

How many times in our life to we have to cope with changes in our life.People say they can tell alto about a person from watching them go through the changes in life at that moment. I however think you can tell more about a person by watching how they except the change of ones friend. Some are easily convinced that no matter how much the friend change they will always be the same: how is that possible when they are changing could it be that they haven't grown and cannot recognize their friends changes or they wish to ignore hem because they themselves are not ready. Changes come easily or sometimes they come hard for example you change your milk from one percent to two percent pretty little change most can cope , but you change drinking alcohol to pop big changes. Sometimes I wish for people to reconize what I am doing and then there are the people I wish will keep their month shut.You know the one well it is about time, or I have more days then, or and this is the best my addiction was far more complicated then yours you shouldn't even have a problem.How do you respond to those people you can ignore them but there part of your family. How does one person believe that she or he need the moral support of the family and has no wish to even acknowledge the strives you have made to even find a life especially if one does not think much of living in the first place. I have the pleasure to have someone in my family who does not reconize my life because she has stolen my identity what happened to that made me go through hell never did according to her it was her life. How does one start to feel proud of herself when everyone else thinks why should she. She doesn't need help she should reconize her sisters life. Let me know what you think changing my life and praying that someone will say job well done I am there through the bad all you have to do is call. God here's mr God knows the truth and both of us saying a special prayer for the girl who has to find her own life when she does she will find it is not that bad an she has a whole family waiting for her. I only want to know my life is mine and God loves me then I can rest in peace

Saturday, October 10, 2009

All animals Have A Right To Live

All animals should have the right to live in a safe environment just like you and me. Unfortunately some people forget this rule an abandoned their animal to the street to defend for themselves. Yes there is the Humane Society, but you must consider this: most animals they receive are put to sleep for various reasons one that I was told the cost to maintain them or it is not worth the effort because the animal is not up to their standard.I am not saying it is a bad policy for them it may be the correct one, but for me it is the wrong one.
My Husband and I take in any abandoned animal and as long as there are no signs of rabies, we nurse the to health again; as you can imagine that arrive a little worn. We then spend time getting the animals to trust as well as other animals it is quote cute, because they seen to get along almost instantly. I believe it is because they share the common bond of abandonment.
All the animals go in for a check up and have surgery so no more surprises arrive. My husband and I pay all the bills for food, litter for cats, leash and grooming tools, so as you can Imagine this takes a toll on us financial. We are not one to ask for help, but this time it has become necessary.Of course their will be an assertive. The price's as follow:

For Five Dollars a picture of animal
you helped care for.

For Ten Dollars You will receive a
key-chain with your choice of Dogie
or Kitty

Now for Twenty Dollars you will receive
A Calendar for year 2010 filled
beautiful animals for every

Please Show you care no purchase is necessary, If you just wish to donate, that would be wonderful. The cold is coming and hopefully we can find them before they freeze or starve.
Donations can be mailed to Assiniboine Credit Bank at 640 Broadway Winnipeg,Manitoba R3C 0X3 in the name of Shilene O'Brien Founder and President. You will receive a receipt in the mail for confirmation of your donation.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

hoping this belongs

So I said I was going to start off with my childhood how many of you can remember back to your first recollection without anyone telling you. Well I do my first memory is of my father always saw his face he was a happy man then there was this women , but she was not so happy. This made me sad mind you I am talking from what I saw as a child there was also this other girl she was scared all the time always pulling me back from the voices we heard and they were loud at times other times they were to quite sometimes crying me and her would hold each other but sooner then later a women the one that was not happy would pull us apart and put us in different rooms and there we were alone without, yes we fell asleep but does one really when they are a child the memories run together, That girl turned out to be m sister the unhappy women my mother and the smiling man my father I believe I mentioned and if I did not remember I was a child. One day the unthinkable happened the man became sad the women become angry and the other girl very quiet almost like she was not there not me though hell I was a kid a child and thought hey lets get back to what was, but that was not to be.

My Life As I saw It

Well this is going to be one continuous blog,, hopefully in some sort of order you may understand , but more importantly please remember that I can vary off and forgive me, Also should be mentioned that no names will be given it will respectfully be he or her you will be able to tell with whom I am talking about , only by mention of their relationship to me. The reason for this is because this is how I saw my life , my version other peoples views may vary and that is fine they are allowed to have their thoughts through their eyes, so in retrospect no one can dispite what will be written because let me make this clear this is about my life how I saw it, Which means I really do not care if people wish to remember events in their lives which include me differently beause frankly that is how they saw it, so that being said I hope that it is understood these are my thoughts, feelings, and accounts of what I thought about moments in my life. Also I should meantion that if you are under sixteen Do not read this blog or anything I write as it will not beunderstood by you, even those that will read this that are older will have difficulty believing that a person saw her life like that but also what I perseve as how I made it through varies different challenges that shoud not be read by minors. Your life will be confusing enough now that you do not need my ramblings. So please do not read and do not think this is because I wish you to read because I do not.Those that read on please remember you have had your own thoughts about differnt aspects of your life , before you think this is fiction remember not all lives where June Cleve and whoever in Leave it to Beaver.

Sop al that being said I will now tell you why I have decided to write this testomoily of my life and NO it is not a suiside note or a cry for help I have delt with most of what I will write about and what I have not dealt with will be meantioned but not in great detail, Why do say it will be evasive it is because I have not yet processed all the information in a manner that I shall call One of me. So that being said I shallnow tell you that acording to some Medicalopions that I have Multiple Personalities yet other non medical yet, with a degree say that it is not different personalities it it just different parts of my inner self projecting to people at different times depending on the situation a sheild to protect myself which one of them do I believe both because they are basically sayinng the same thing only difference doctors meds other professionals help me merge all myself into one voice that is what I will try to talk to with in my writings, but why I also mentioned I may go off ddifferently at times. So I guess they call all that a proluge whaterever so here I go the truth my life remember this is how I saw it. Oh it should also be meantioned that it will be within three different parts child, teen, adult at times these over lap. So for those reading hang on and as for me get ready because this will be my truth for all on how I view my life and I can just imagine most that know me will not like this while others will say oh it finially makes sence.

Monday, June 8, 2009


have you ever been really tired to the point you do not think you can make it through the whole ,let alone the next five minutes, Well that is how I have been feeling lately. The doctor say maybe medical or you depression is making you more more depressed. Noe that one right there even a man with a really good education to pause and wounder what the hell. On the one hand your depressed and instead of getting better you have gotten worse, then the thought who is to blame anyone but me well hopefully cause I was hoping to get out of this funk not get more buried in ,What about all my happy thoughts or has there really been any what is it I think dark and day out or do I even do that I don't fight anymore whats the point oh no is that a sign that I will be blah forever what? Or maybe I am sick and how the hell is that any better because the way I have been feeling it cannot be good news. I just do not want to get out of bed , but there is also the fact that I feel like I cannot I have no energy, I just feel that my body has become week, holding bags makes me tiresome walkin 5 blocks I have terrible breathing, but what I noticed the most I do not have the will to augury there is No fight in me and that is how I know I am Ill. So there is only one thing to do.Build up the strength I do have and start playing jokes because if I will be able to hear happiness whatever it is that ales nnothinng can be better prescribed than laughter because where there is laughter there is love and where there is love there is hope and where there is hope there is Shining his love on us keeping us all safe

Friday, May 1, 2009

Behavior Of Humanity

How much trust do you put in a person. There are stories all over the world stating that people should not trust other people. So Why do we ? What causes us to to trust people we barely know , are we lonely or lonely, or could it be from a small age we have heard those beautiful stories from Disney saying saying anything can happen, so if you do not trust you will never know if beautiful things can happen, Now there are people who watch the same movies as children and have a total different concept of it. Their concept is to prey on those have the need in the good of others and will take them into their trust while they take everything that person owns. Funny thing is those people will never have hate one thing they are after , and it is not their their possessions, It is their their belief and trust in humane nature , and even those that have been hurt by these people have not given up on them, they may be more cautious. In reality those that can prey on on tho see with trust do the end have a conscious I can not spell the word cause Hell I have A hard time finding it. The thing is how will we ever know to trust if we will not tale that leap Good Jumping !

Old Friends

Gee Whizz Just heard from an very old , but not to old friend and my god that got my blood going for the first time in awhile. I have not had a friend like her scene she has been out of my life, god I would compare all the friends I had with her, nobody could compare. She was the type of friend that was one of a kind she was there and excepted her friend me even though a lot of the time we wanted to come to blows only once I remember and God she put the fear of Jesus in yeah! Hello my friend my only friend do not know how you found me just call me, been a long time. Well you called god it was so great talking to her her. The closest person to friend like her is my cat tiger, she is strong , bitchy when needed even saved me from firefighters even though they were trying to save my life. Sabrina was my sister the only one I ever trusted, and God thank-you for her blessings we all should have a friend like her. The only thing I think I can say say is God Thanks I needed a friend and you gave me my sister. Everyone in their life has someone they trust more then life I now say find them, at one point I did not think she would want to talk to me my sins and all, especially with my kids, but hearing her voice is all the thanks I need, even if she was mad at me I still would want to hear from her. There was a point my life was less important to hers and I believe she felt the same. I am proud of my friend but I will never be prouder then the fact she followed her dreams had a beautiful daughter and is still there to remember me. Find your friends your true friends Thanks you do not know how much hearing from you meant. Of course my mom is pissed I put her on hold for over an hour its OK she never liked you Kid

Worrking With Those you Live With

Working with a loved one and living with a love one can it be done ? Some say yes others No and those you see on the NEWS, TOP STORY, so what about the few that can, have healthy happy relations do you believe it well I for one do not . There would have to be boundaries in play for a couple or anybody working with family so that there is a part of your life you can control away from the those you work with and live with. Did you notice I used the big control word those that love us all of a sudden see a caution flag in that lay and yells oh yeah something is up, but you have to let them know that you just need some space for yourself, you even may want to pick out a night on one of your days off to have something with them. Relationships are hard at the best of times you and work into the mix, along with the pressures of home and lets face it , these days it is harder to cope in every aspect in life even figuring yourself out is hard, the you add your loved one on top work. Bang, if not handle right you will have nothing, so lets see what we can come up with. Every person has one thing that they like to do alone, so that will be but in play, but you have to be honest and really let them earn your trust as time goes by, do not take advantage. I am speaking to both parties because if you cannot trust someone to be away from you for at least two hours and that is what I would recommend, then you have a problem. Trust will have to be worked on and I do not advise to work together because your laundry will spill over into work and that will make everyone uncomfortable. But if you think about it two hours is not tat long and it gives both of you the time you need to blow of the tension that may be and will be within your relationship. Here are some of the things I would like to do , go for a bike ride if my feet can handle it(bike) , go to the library, maybe get my hair done and read a good book in the park while taking in the beauty of nature around me. What no drinking you say, no I reserve to that with my loved so he can earn my trust and yes he has reason not too. So you see pick the things that will not cause adversary and to top it off make a date night on one of your days off together one night he plan the next you plan the date . Keep it exciting and hope it all works for the best ,

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Walls are Closing In

Have you ever felt that the walls are closing in around you and no matter how much you try to make space they just keep getting smaller and smaller. when this happen to me I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs, hoping that my voice would pop the walls, but I kind that the walls just cling ever so more to me.So what do I do well first I try to figure out what made them suddenly start to close so fast and it always seems the same answer which is this simple really, I would have outlines on what needs to be done with income that has been received and for some reason it never gets done, which leads to confusion. blame, pointing of fingers, right down to the astonishment that I can go over and over this again and again. The funny thing is I am so used to this getting out of these predicaments is really not all that hard. What is hard is getting over the feeling of shame, guilt and REMs that it is my my fault that we came to this even though even deeper down there was no fault of my own in how we came to this.It is just that you manipulate the situation to seem like it is my fault all for the fact because you need me to solve the problems because when you get right down to it, you do not have the intelligence or the energy because your lazy and have a roped sense of being that your great when in reality your just a scared little boy who always needs his mommy. May be big and strong, but that is for intimidation. The clock is ticking and one day the clock will strike the moment of my independence and freedom along with my beauty shinning through to blind all those who did not believe in me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Second Choice

Throughout life I have always been the second pick for everything in my life. For example just recently my mom invited me to go to Ireland with her. I was over joyed it is the one place I always wanted to go back to. You see when I was younger Our family went on a trip to Ireland, it is where my father is from. I have never seen a more beautiful place. To this day whenever I get down about something I remember my time there and it helps me to pick up my spirits. So all I had to do my mom said was get my passport which I did. All in all the cost was about 2 Hundred Dollars,because of the fact I had to get all my ID birth, social insurance number, picture ID, and passport.Lots to get together when one does not have a lot of income. The important part was I got it together, then out of the blue my sister who always got whatever she wanted called to inform me that she was going to Ireland with my mother and how everyone was pitching in to help her pay for her proper identification. I just didn't know what to day I still don't.I always knew I came second to her all my life, I have always been the one that had to work for anything I wanted, I have always had to deal with my problems on my own without the support of family, so when asked to go to Ireland I was elated that I was finally going to be important to at least one person my mom. So once again I was second choice to them. I myself know that through all my struggles I come in first if only for the simple reason that I am still around to talk about my struggles with my life so I guess I can be second choice to them, but I come first in my life.